
New products : Nike unveils 2013 Year of the Snake collection

耐克2013 蛇年生肖系列产品于1月18日起陆续上市

In celebration of 2013 as the Year of the Snake on the Chinese lunar calendar, Nike introduces a Nike Basketball and Nike Sportswear collection of Chinese zodiac footwear inspired by Kobe Bryant and the Year of the Snake respectively. Ever since Nike unveiled its Year of the Horse collection in 2002, fans have eagerly anticipated new collections based on the Chinese lunar calendar concept.

This year marks Nike's 12th such release and completes a full cycle of the Chinese zodiac.

The Year of the Snake collection includes the KOBE 8 SYSTEM, which draws inspiration from Bryant’s unparalleled on-court skills and his "Black Mamba" on-court alter ego. The Nike Sportswear designs feature signature colors of black, purple, red, and gold with snakeskin-inspired patterns. 2013 corresponds to two characters -- 癸巳 ("Gui Si") -- in the Chinese sexagenary cycle (a cycle of sixty terms used for recording days or years). The Chinese seal pattern composed of a snake and the two characters 癸巳 ("Gui Si") incorporates the serpentine shape into an embroidered seal making this collection particularly unique.

农历蛇年将至,岁在癸巳,祥蛇献瑞。耐克以“蛇道”为主题,打造全新蛇年生肖系列产品。从2002年马年生肖鞋款登场开始,以生肖概念而打造的耐克 鞋款就成为鞋迷们在中国年前期待的焦点。今年是耐克连续第12年为中国农历新年发布特别产品,实现了耐克十二生肖全系列的完美收关。
科比.布莱恩特拥有绝佳的攻守能力,以自身的威胁性让各队敌手闻之色变,因此获得“黑曼巴”的封号。2013年耐克蛇年系列,以科比及中国蛇年为设 计灵感,并采用代表科比的黑色、紫色、金色,以及蛇纹为主要设计。而2013年适逢中国天干地支中的“癸巳”年,耐克特别以蛇与“癸巳”两字结合的印鉴图 案,将科比在篮球运动的精神与中国文化融合,使蛇年系列产品的设计更为深刻细致。

Download the full Chinese look book PDF

More infos and range details :  Nike

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